Support our school while promoting your business!
Promote your business while supporting our community at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School! We invite you to take advantage of an exciting advertising opportunity in our gym. With four sponsorship levels available, you can choose the option that best fits your business goals and budget. Your advertisement will reach a diverse audience, showcasing your brand to students, families, and visitors throughout the year. Download your sponsorship form today to explore how you can become a valued partner in our mission.
Catholic Youth Sports (CYS) is a diocesan-wide league that HNJ participates in along with the other Brevard County Catholic Schools and we offer various Sports Clubs as well. The athletic department provides a Christ-centered atmosphere that helps foster sportsmanship, self-discipline, respect, hard work, leadership and physical fitness. Students attend PE classes twice a week, where they have the opportunity to try each sport and learn the fundamentals from Pre-K 3 to 8th grade. This helps foster an understanding of physical activity and its importance in our student's lives, not only because of the health benefits, but also the character building and team spirit that can develop. Students are encouraged to lead healthy lifestyles and urged to report back on their athletic or nutritional accomplishments outside of school.
Our goal at HNJ is to develop our students responsibly and maturely, so that they can balance successful academic achievements while incorporating extra-curricular activities into their schedule as well. Holy Name of Jesus athletes must maintain a high grade point average as well as exhibit role model behavior, on and off the field or court. Sporting events are a great way for our school to come together in His Name to witness the gifts God has given our student athletes. Students form lifelong relationships, but they create memories that will last a lifetime as well.
The Holy Name of Jesus Parish Athletic Center is a Physical Education facility owned and operated by Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community and the Diocese of Orlando for the use and benefit of the Parish and Diocesan Community.
ATHLETICS FORMS-All of these completed forms must be kept on file by the school. The forms are valid for 365 calendar days.
FHSAA: Preparticipation Physical Evaluation
The Raider Athletic Club's Mission is to assist all athletics at HNJ, provide one voice to the community in requesting its support, assist in the maintenance of our athletic facilities, and generate enthusiasm for our school teams/leagues to promote Christian Athletics.
HNJ's Athletic Program provides a variety of ways for a parent to obtain their required 25 volunteer hours. Coaches are always needed from August until May. The Athletic Director will do their best to make sure practice times are based off of the volunteer's availability. Coaching is a great way to spend time with the HNJ family outside of school and meet some new friends.
Concession hours will only be required by parents of the players. Although not required, volunteering to help is always welcome.
All coaches and assistant coaches (volunteer and paid) must view the concussion training video course, take and pass the test at the video's conclusion and file a copy of the certificate with the school.
This requirement applies to all coaches and assistant coaches including parish, elementary and middle school leagues (e.g. CMAC, Coastal Catholic League, Catholic Youth League, etc.).
The school must keep a copy of the course certificate on file for all coaches.
A consent and release form will be required from the parent for the school file (see below).
Complete this online free course: (Concussion in Sports - What You Need To Know). The video is approximately 30 minutes culminating with the quiz. This is a mandatory requirement and must be completed.